Senin, 09 Agustus 2021

Cara agar berpikir positif dalam islam

 kadang kita akan merasa malas, sedih, depresi padahal tidak ada masalah yang terjadi seperti hari biasa.  Itu penyebabnya adalah dosa baik di sengaja maupun tidak.

 Tentu saja mudah apalagi saat kita sedang mengalami masalah perasaan tertekan, stres dapat muncul.

 Itu dapat kita atasi dengan berbikir positif memang tidak mudah tetapi harus berlatih seperti hal kita berolah raga untuk membentuk tubuh pasti berat, jika kita dapat konsisten melakukan otot kita aukan ter

 Sangat suah berbikir positif apalagi saat down,peraan teaebut dapat berdamapk buruk pada tubuh seperti depresi.Secara otomatis tubuh akan merespon dengan yang dapat berdampak menurunnya sistem kekebalun tubuh atau

 Semisal orang yang sakit yang pertama harus dilakukan berpikir positif pasti sembuh, pasti bisa ,harus kuat.Barulah mengikuti petunjuk dari dokter.

 beberapa tips agar dapat Berpikir positif :

1. Mereka percaya pada Tuhan

Cara agar berpikir positif dalam islam

  Segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam hidup ini adalah insya Allah.. Pasti masalah yang kita hadapi ada solusinya.. Iman tidak datang dengan sendirinya sebagai usaha yang melalui tahapan demi tahapan.

  Dengan cara ini optimisme akan semakin kuat tanpa disadari kita bisa berpikir positif.

  2. Coba

  Kita harus berusaha agar masalah yang kita hadapi cepat berakhir, dan langkah pertama adalah memohon pertolongan Tuhan dalam doa dan kesabaran, dan berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk dapat berpikir positif, dan memberikan solusi terbaik agar Tuhan menyelesaikan semua masalah kita. masalah.

  3. Bersyukurlah

  Perasaan iri hati negatif bisa tumbuh dalam segala hal yang bisa terjadi karena lemahnya iman kita dan godaan setan,

 dan terkadang kita lupa bahwa masih banyak nikmat yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita, ketika kita bersyukur timbul rasa tenang yang membuat kita bahagia.

  4- Lakukan kegiatan

  Carilah kegiatan untuk menghilangkan rasa cemas tersebut, seperti menyapu, memasak, dan berolahraga, bersama dengan persahabatan, bercanda dengan keluarga atau teman, dan berbagi pendapat dengan teman tentang masalah yang kita hadapi.

  5. Sedekah

  Sedekah adalah obat dari segala penyakit dan masalah yang kita hadapi ketika kita bersedekah timbul perasaan senang, masih banyak orang yang menderita, dan kita masih beruntung.

  Sedekah bukan hanya materi atau uang, bisa dengan tenaga bahkan senyuman adalah sedekah, dan kami berharap melalui sedekah ini masalah yang kita hadapi akan cepat terselesaikan.

  6- Membaca Al-Qur'an

  Adapun yang terakhir dan keenam, usahakan berwudhu untuk menenangkan diri kemudian sholat sunnah atau sholat wajib setelah itu anda mengambil Al-Qur'an, 

dan kami yakin doa dan bacaan Al-Qur'an benar-benar dapat mengatasinya,dan membaca Al-Qur'an, mengapa tidak tenang dan Anda masih memiliki pikiran negatif.  

Jangan panik, makan saja, ada bagian untuk semua orang, apalagi membaca Al-Qur'an.

  Jika begini caranya tidak bisa meminta doa dari orang tua, maka dengan restu orang tua, rahmat Allah turun kepada kita dan masalah yang kita hadapi cepat teratasi, semoga bermanfaat.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

Contoh backlink

 Backlink yang balik dan contohnya

Contoh backlink

Apa itu Link? Tautan dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut juga tautan. Link adalah kependekan dari hyperlink. Lalu apa artinya link?

 Yuk simak pengertian dari TechTerm berikut ini Tautan adalah objek HTML yang memungkinkan Anda melompat ke lokasi baru saat Anda mengeklik atau mengetuknya.

 Apa itu Backlink Anda akan menemukan tautan di setiap situs web yang Anda kunjungi. Baik di menu maupun di konten. Nah setelah mengerti apa itu link. Maka sudah saatnya kita masuk ke pengertian backlink. Apa itu Backlink?

Apa itu Backlink 

Pengertian backlink di atas dapat kita temukan pada salah satu artikel blog Beginner. 

Backlink sendiri memiliki nama lain seperti inbound links dan incoming links. Semuanya memiliki makna yang sama.

Istilah backlink berasal dari dua kata yakni back dan link , back artinya kembali atau tautan balik dan link berarti alamat sebuah situs.

Jadi backlink dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah jalinan antara suatu situs dengan situs lain yang berupa umpan balik.

Manfaat Backlink

Mengapa backlink itu penting? Haruskah sebuah website diberikan backlink?

Backlink sangat penting dan berguna dalam meningkatkan reputasi dan kualitas sebuah website. Nah cara meningkatkan ranking website adalah dengan mengoptimasi SEO (Search Engine Optimization) website sesuai dengan kata kunci yang di targetkan.

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Kamis, 07 Januari 2021

Guide to buying a desktop computer

Guide to buying a desktop computer is good

Guide to buying a desktop computer

With the rapid pace of technological developments, nothing has become as ubiquitous as the computer. Everyone's got one. And they are used for all manner of endeavour, by people of all walks of life. So, do you simply buy the computer that someone's selling? Or do you do some homework and figure out what detailed specifications are going to make some difference to you? 

At you can compare the prices of a wide range of different computers from different vendors and of different specifications. This guide will help you find what you're looking for. 

Mac or Windows (PC) 

At the outset, you need to decide what you are going to use the computer for. This will help you make the fundamental decision of whether you should go Mac or PC. Although, with the advent of the dual core processor (an Intel chip now used by Mac) the differences are narrowed a little, there are still some choices that can help you favour one system over another. Historically, Mac computers have a reputation for greater stability that comes from a more robust operating system than Windows based computers. Largely for this reason, Macs have been the computer of choice for the graphic design industry, the music production industry and the video production industry. This has prompted the software manufacturers to make professional software packages for these disciplines that favour the Mac operating system. Although they have packages supporting the Windows operating system, they are often less capable. 

Consequently, if you are engaged in these industries and need your computer for this type of work, you should consider Mac. Mac computers appear to attract fewer viruses and software malfunctions than do Windows based PCs. On the down side, there has always appeared to have been limited software support for Mac systems. 

Another decision that may guide your choice is the aesthetics of the computer. If you have limited available space, there is nothing quite like the iMacs or the mini Macs for space saving. iMac's all-in-one desktop units are compact and complete with all the connectivity you need. However, the look of other brands may be more to your taste, with many models available in compact packages and modern colour schemes to suit practically all dÊcor. Now that you've made that basic decision, you can start comparing the apples with apples. 

The Components of Your Computer 

The two factors that determine the price of your computer are size (yes it does matter) and speed. Either or both of these two dimensions are a factor of practically every component that makes up the machine. Naturally the highest price tags go with the combination of biggest and fastest. 


The heart of the computer is the CPU (central processing unit). You need to decide which CPU you want driving your computer. These come from different manufacturers, and the current development of the technology is called Dual Core, which means that there are two processors on the one chip. Dual Core technology delivers more performance with less energy requirements. Intel and AMD are the two leading CPU manufacturers, and they offer different products under different names. 

Current processing speeds range from about 1.4 GHz (gigahertz) through to 3.46 GHz. But it is not simply just a matter of speed. There are other considerations. Mac Operating Systems have a different architecture to Windows and will perform many functions faster with a slower speed CPU. A dual core chip at 1.4 GHz will deliver a better performance that a Pentium 4 chip at 1.8 GHz. A 1.4 GH dual core chip running a Mac with OSX Tiger, will perform better than a 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 processor running Windows. You need to decide what you want your computer to do, what your major software requirements are before you decide on the CPU processor. 

However, for everyday use, a processor faster than 1.8 GHz will deliver excellent performance. As a rough rule of thumb, choose a Celeron for low cost computing, a Pentium 4 for mid-range budgets, or an AMD Athlon for bigger budgets. You can compare computers based on Pentium, Celeron, Athlon or Dual Core CPUs by searching those specifications on and finding different vendors and brands using different processors. 


This is where bigger definitely means better performance. RAM is the system memory that enables the computer to use its programs and swap data between the hard drive and the program functions. It's important to match the speed of the RAM of your computer with the speed of the CPU. The more RAM you have available for your programs to work, the faster will your computer run. Most computers today come with at least 256 M (megabytes) of RAM. But memory is a relatively cheap component, and it costs little extra to upgrade to 512 M or greater. 


The hard drive of the computer stores your program files and your data. As computers have advanced, so has the need for more capacity to operate programs and store data. People working in media fields tend to work with very large files and require large storage space. Most computers in today's market come with a minimum of 40G of hard drive space. However, this can be upgraded (usually in 20G chunks) to as much as 200G or more. The effectiveness of your hard drive also can depend on its physical speed (5400-7200 RPM) and the speed at which it can transfer data between the computer's RAM and the hard drive. Faster means better performance. 


You will want to have a CD-R or (CD-RW) drive installed in your computer, and or possibly a DVD or DVD-R. For reading a CD ROM, all that is required is a CD drive and for watching DVD movies, a DVD ROM drive. However with a CD-R drive, you can record your own data and music CDs, and with a DVD-R drive, you can burn files in a DVD format, allowing you to store movies and data in far greater quantities. The CD-RW (DVD-RW) drives allow you to use re-recordable media. Your decision will depend on what you want to use your media drives for and what you want to store. 

Other removable media will possibly include flash card storage, which is usually plugged in via the USB ports on the computer. 


The monitor for your computer is integral to its function and aesthetics. If you are working in graphics you may want to stay with a CRT monitor. However most bundle offers these days are supplied with LCD monitors, which have the advantages of smaller space requirements, use lower energy and offer wider screen images. However they generally are more expensive (although prices are dropping everyday), can frequently be not as bright, have limited viewing angles and sometimes require a digital interface connector. 

For graphics intensive work, LCD screens do not have the same capacity to render colours in gradients as CRT monitors. Once again, size matters. Bigger screens cost more than smaller ones. 


For a detailed explanation of video cards, please see the article on dedicated to Video Cards. 

The interface between the CPU and the Monitor is provided by the video card. One of the basic decisions you need to make is whether you require a 3D or 2D card. Video cards come in two different types: those that use an AGP (accelerated graphics port) on the computer motherboard and those that use the PCI bus. Data transfer rate is critical to video performance. Faster video cards use an AGP, and this proves a faster data transfer than PCI cards. Most video cards also have their own video memory installed on the card, a feature that increases a computer's memory performance. Today, these memories are often 128M or 256M, and can be more in the higher-end cards dedicated to sophisticated video work or gaming. Video cards performance is also affected by what is known as clock speed or clock rate, cards with a faster speed offer faster performance. 

Cheaper computers, and laptops and notebooks, have an integrated graphics chip included in the motherboard instead of a discrete video card. This type of configuration is not as powerful or as fully functional as having a separate video card, which can allow more comprehensive gaming, the use of multiple monitors and faster and better rendering of images. 

For a computer to reproduce the sounds recorded in games, movies and music products it requires a sound card. Quality of sound can be affected by the sound card your computer has installed. It's important that you know how you want to use the sound reproduction processes of your computer. If you are a musician and want to record audio, then you will want to be sure that you have excellent connectivity, good midi access and at least 16-bit (CD quality) audio reproduction. Sound cards give you the possibilities of full cinema surround sound, and the many subtle effects employed by high-end games. 

Nearly every computer comes with a set of stereo speakers. However it pays to have a good listen to what you're buying. Make sure you listen to program that you are familiar with (take your own CD along) and compare the sound in a quiet environment. Many speaker systems for computers have poor frequency response and are underpowered. For desktop use that does not involve a quality listening environment this may be satisfactory. But if you want to listen to music and watch movies for the full effect, then you need to consider buying a good quality set of speakers. Use the search facility of to compare specifications and prices of different speaker systems. 


The choice of keyboard and mouse are personal choices. Sometimes it depends on what you do on your computer, whether you have formal typing skills or whether you're a two-finger hack. Serious writers may prefer an ergonomic keyboard. Keyboards frequently have different clicks and responses to others. You may prefer an infrared cordless keyboard and mouse. You may prefer an optical mouse on which you don't have to clean the rollers. Optical mice have no rollerball, and can be used on most flat surfaces, but they are more expensive. 


Today, connectivity is everything. Your computer can have wireless connections to all of your peripherals: printer, scanner, and other computers. Having an onboard modem will only be really important if you are using a dial up internet connection. Broadband modems tend to be peripherals and you can connect via USB, wireless or firewire. It does pay to consider how you will connect to the internet and other peripherals. It's not always convenient to get behind your computer to plug something in or unplug it. Some sound cards have a front face panel with all the connections you need. The USB ports on Macs are conveniently located. Many PC manufacturers haven't caught on to the fact that it's important for some people to easily access the connections to their computers. 

To compare the different bundle offers from different brands, and to compare the different components by their specifications, search the database for exactly the specifications you are seeking. You can compare prices and vendors, and order what you need online with a few clicks.

Senin, 28 Desember 2020

benefits of edamame soybeans, Japanese soybeans are good for pregnant women

 benefits of edamame soybeans, Japanese soybeans are good for pregnant women

For young women who are pregnant, it's a good idea to consume edamame soybeans to meet your nutritional intake and protect the fetus you are carrying.

Edamame is a typical Japanese green soybean that is still young and even younger than normal soybeans. Edamame is often an excellent high-protein snack because it is harvested light, green, and tender.

Now Japanese soybean edamame is well known in various countries. Not only does it taste good, but also because of the many benefits of edamame that is good for health. In Indonesia, boiled soybeans have been a snack since our grandmothers. What distinguishes sorry is only the quality of the soybeans that were not chosen.

Soybeans that are still young without being chosen after cleaning are simply boiled, sometimes some are flat or the soy meat is not round normally. It is blackish yellow in color. In terms of health, soybeans will be more beneficial if boiled.


Edamame contains many nutrients. These foods contain protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, fiber, carbohydrates, folate, vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as minerals, including iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, zinc and potassium.

In short, the benefits of Japanese soy are the same as soybeans in general, namely in terms of nutrition, strengthening bones, and eye health.

1. Healthy heart

Soybeans, including the grain category, have many advantages that can be used by various types of processed housewife cooking ingredients and flour can be a cake mixture, the good news is that in general, the price of edamame is still relatively affordable in the community.

Research by the National Laboratory of the University of Illinois states that soybean oil is cholesterol free and is also a great source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including two essential fatty acids called linoleic acid and linonic acid. .. It helps lower cholesterol levels and reduces the risk to the heart.

2. Prevent cholesterol and stroke

Edamame soybeans are highly recommended for people who have high cholesterol levels. This can be proven by scientific explanations.

A study shows that soybeans are rich in antioxidants and high in fiber, which can lower cholesterol levels, prevent strokes, and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels. You can eat boiled or processed soybeans such as tempeh, tofu, milk and milk. soy.

3. Prevent menopause

Consuming soybeans can help you prevent manopuse and healthy bones because it contains antioxidants, isoflavones and plant-based estrogens that are suitable for menopausal patients. Soybeans help reduce the appearance of thermal reactions on the face, neck, and chest of menopausal women.

Manopuse itself is not a disease but a result of a decline in the body's system due to age and an unhealthy lifestyle. Accelerating it, generally a person will experience menopause or menopause at the age of 50 years and over.

Menopause who

Menopause according to WHO means the cessation of the menstrual cycle (menstruation) for women who previously had menstruation every month, which is caused by the increasing number of follicles experiencing atresia, up to 2 more follicles are not available, and in the last 12 months experiencing amenorrhea, and not caused by pathological conditions .

4. Prevent breast cancer

No wonder these grains have other functions as cancer prevention, high antioxidant content, soybeans also contain isoflavones which help prevent the growth of cancer cells such as breast and prostate cancer in men.

It turns out that Islfavone can keep facial skin beautiful and youthful, because it can repair damaged skin cells, especially the face. Due to the scorching sun, free radicals and air pollution, regular consumption of soy helps skin health.

5. Maintain the health of the mother and fetus

Making edamame a routine food during pregnancy turns out to have benefits for pregnant women and their children, including:

Reducing the sudden attack of osteoporosis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a high probability that the mother will experience esteoporises due to a lack of high calcium intake. To avoid this, you can make edamame soybeans as a high calcium snack.

Minimizes the risk of children experiencing disabilities

Edamame soybeans also contain high folic acid which is good for the neurological development and brain of the baby you are carrying. By eating foods rich in folic acid, the baby will avoid neural tube defects that impact the baby's brain to become abnormal.

This is one of the causes of children experiencing autism.

Healthy digestion and help maintain body weight

Another benefit of Edamame for pregnant women is to maintain your digestive health

According to a study, edamame beans that are eaten contain fiber and are high in protein, which acts as a prebiotic to encourage the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

So that it can help you maintain a normal weight, but please pay attention to the cleanliness and quality of the soybeans you consume every day.

Increase the growth and development of the baby who is waiting

Due to the protein content of this amino acid, it can help the growth and development of somatic cells in pregnant women and the fetus. Not only that, edamame amino acid can also help further optimize the formation of various fetal organs.

In addition, the content in Mister Edamame can also fight free radicals that are harmful to both mother and baby.

6. Strengthens immunity (immune system)

Finally, edamame beans are high in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that help boost the immune system. If you are enthusiastic about eating edamame beans, you can avoid the effects of bad weather recently which can affect your immune system.

Cara agar berpikir positif dalam islam

 kadang kita akan merasa malas, sedih, depresi padahal tidak ada masalah yang terjadi seperti hari biasa.  Itu penyebabnya adalah dosa baik ...